We would like to cordially invite you to Dassanaya Buddhist Community on Sunday, October 22nd from 11:00am - 1:00pm for a special social and spiritual gathering. This event is in-person at the vihara with the option to attend via Zoom for those who cannot make it in person.
The program will include a silent sit, comments from DBC, sharing (optional) from each of you in the way of a poem, reading, quote, or perhaps personal story. Bring a picnic lunch, tea will be provided, and dedication of the merit offered.
Bring your lunch and/or a something to share that will help guide the sangha in a positive direction… or just come as you are! Please join us either in-person or online via Zoom for this wholesome community sangha gathering.
We want to extend a warm embrace to the community. As Ayya Dhammadipa temporarily resides abroad (continuing with online Dharma teachings Sundays at 9:30am ET), Stephen Steiner, DBC teacher-in-training, is keeping the cushion warm at the vihara and leading Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning offerings. We feel honored to commemorate this change with a community gathering.