The community and Dhammadīpā are supported solely by donations.

Checks can be mailed to:

Dassanaya Buddhist Community
1565 Mount Eagle Place
Alexandria, VA 22302

Our essence:

Dassanaya Buddhist Community provides spiritual care based on meditation and ethics, enabling you to cultivate and embody the presence of Buddhist wisdom in the world.

Your generosity supports:

  • Meditation programs, retreats, and classes on the Buddha’s teachings, in support of the awakening of all beings.

  • Travel to teachings, study, and conferences.

  • Maintenance of the household and physical location of the vihara in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

  • Support for the four traditional requisites (food, clothing, lodging, and medicine) for Dhammadipa, our Guiding Teacher, and for monastic and lay guests who stay at the vihara.

  • Support for the necessary hardware and software for online classes, interpretation, and video recording.

About fundraising:

The income DBC receives from weekly programs, classes, and retreats covers about 60% of the vihara’s expenses. The remainder is provided by practitioners like you, who appreciate the opportunity to offer sustaining financial support. This wholesome act is an expression of our inter-connectedness.

We encourage you to consider the value the Dharma has for you when you think about making a donation.