The community and Dhammadīpā are supported solely by donations.
Checks can be mailed to:
Dassanaya Buddhist Community
1565 Mount Eagle Place
Alexandria, VA 22302
Our essence:
Dassanaya Buddhist Community provides spiritual care based on meditation and ethics, enabling you to cultivate and embody the presence of Buddhist wisdom in the world.
Your generosity supports:
Meditation programs, retreats, and classes on the Buddha’s teachings, in support of the awakening of all beings.
Travel to teachings, study, and conferences.
Maintenance of the household and physical location of the vihara in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Support for the four traditional requisites (food, clothing, lodging, and medicine) for Dhammadipa, our Guiding Teacher, and for monastic and lay guests who stay at the vihara.
Support for the necessary hardware and software for online classes, interpretation, and video recording.
About fundraising:
The income DBC receives from weekly programs, classes, and retreats covers about 60% of the vihara’s expenses. The remainder is provided by practitioners like you, who appreciate the opportunity to offer sustaining financial support. This wholesome act is an expression of our inter-connectedness.
We encourage you to consider the value the Dharma has for you when you think about making a donation.