Video Dhamma
Recent Talks
Be sure to visit our YouTube channel for recordings of the Tuesday Tune In guided meditation and Dharma talk weekly series.
Four Ways of Embracing Each Other - a talk on Numbered Discourse 4.32 and Dogen Zenji’s Bodaisatta Shishobo
Two Conditions to Establish Right View on Twosday Tuesday
Finding the Time For Right Speech
Progress or No Progress
Discovering the Mind That Knows Itself
The Purpose of Ethics
From Lay Life to Ordained Life
Lectures from the Spring 2019 Heart Sutra Class
Lecture Week 1 Heart Sutra Class: A Dharma talk introducing the historical context and the beings in the Heart Sutra.
Lecture Week 3 Heart Sutra Class: An exploration of form and emptiness, time as a process, and practice with the sense bases.
Lecture Week 5 Heart Sutra Class: How to meet suffering, practice as a path, koan of the flag waving, and nirvana/nibbana.
Lecture Week 2 Heart Sutra Class: A discussion of the beings portrayed in the Heart Sutra and the practices that are described in the first two sentences of the sutra.
Lecture Week 4 Heart Sutra Class: Exploring topics of inter-dependent co-arising, emptiness instead of negation, and discerning the wholesome.
Lecture Week 6 Heart Sutra Class: This is the final lecture of this online class studying the Heart Sutra. This lecture touches on hindrances, fearlessness, right view, and joy in practice.