Sangha Brunch

Sangha Brunch

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

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Dassanaya’s Death Café

Dassanaya’s Death Café

At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.  The objective is “to increase the awareness of death with a view to helping people make best of their (finite) lives.”


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Sangha Brunch

Sangha Brunch

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

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Letting Go into Safety
to Mar 2

Letting Go into Safety

Taught by Brad Hunter

Offered by donation. Proceeds support Dhammadipa’s pilgrimage “Journey of a Lifetime”.

Over the course of our weekend, we will engage in guided meditations, reflections, interactive work, and discussions that demonstrate, in our direct experience, that we are not diminished by releasing and letting go.  The squeeze and freeze of our fixed ideas, habit patterns and personality view, constrict the heart’s natural potential for openness, sensitivity, spaciousness, fearlessness, wisdom and compassion.

To paraphrase the Buddha, “all that we lose by letting go is suffering.”

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Sangha Brunch

Sangha Brunch

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

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Sangha Brunch

Sangha Brunch

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends.
Please R.S.V.P.

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August Sangha Brunch

August Sangha Brunch

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community, or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends at Dassanaya.
Please R.S.V.P..

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Sangha Hike at Prince William Forest

Sangha Hike at Prince William Forest

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA 22302 US (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sangha Hike on Sunday May 19 from noon - 2p at Prince WIlliam Forest. This will not be a taxing hike, and should be accessible to most; the intention here is simply to provide a time and space to be out in nature with some Dhamma friends.

Please RSVP

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Sangha Dinner

Sangha Dinner

  • 1565 Mount Eagle Place Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community, or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends at Dassanaya.
May 10 Dinner is Full

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Fundamentals of Meditation: a virtual class
to Apr 29

Fundamentals of Meditation: a virtual class

Rakhi is offering a virtual class on the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation. Embark on a 6 week journey to understand, practice and integrate the foundations of buddhist meditation practice. This is a live, virtual course designed for folks who are curious about initiating and sustaining a practice of mindfulness meditation.

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