Jukai: Lay Precepts Initiation
Join us online or in person as Olivia takes up the 16 bodhisattva precepts in a ceremony from the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition.

Metta para el bienestar, las relaciones y la concentración con la sangha Meditemos Uruguay
Únete a la comunidad Meditemos Uruguay para un retiro explorando metta, la bondad universal.

Metta para el bienestar, las relaciones y la concentración con la sangha de Buddhismo Theravada Perú
Únete a la comunidad de Peru para un retiro explorando metta, la bondad universal.

Metta para el bienestar, las relaciones y la concentración con la sangha de la comunidad insight en Medellín
Únete a la comunidad insight en Medellín para un retiro explorando metta, la bondad universal.

Sangha Brunch
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

Day of Retreat with the Insight Meditation Community of Fredericksburg
Join Dhammadīpā and Dharma friends for a day of retreat in Richmond.

Dassanaya’s Death Café
At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. The objective is “to increase the awareness of death with a view to helping people make best of their (finite) lives.”

Fundamentals of Dhamma: A 9-month course in embodying the Path
Dhammadipa will co-lead this online retreat with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. Our theme is “Finding Stability During Turbulent Times.”

Residential Meditation Retreat co-led with Jeff Rosenberg at Sevenoaks - 8 day or 12 day options
Join Dhammadipa and Jeff Rosenberg for a residential retreat including guided and silent meditation, chanting, and Dhamma talks.

Retreat Weekend, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Join Dhammadipa and the Red Clay Sangha for a meditation retreat.

Sangha Brunch
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

Buddhist Art Workshop: Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian Museum of Asian Art
A virtual tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art to study Buddhist artistic expression.

Letting Go into Safety
Taught by Brad Hunter
Offered by donation. Proceeds support Dhammadipa’s pilgrimage “Journey of a Lifetime”.
Over the course of our weekend, we will engage in guided meditations, reflections, interactive work, and discussions that demonstrate, in our direct experience, that we are not diminished by releasing and letting go. The squeeze and freeze of our fixed ideas, habit patterns and personality view, constrict the heart’s natural potential for openness, sensitivity, spaciousness, fearlessness, wisdom and compassion.
To paraphrase the Buddha, “all that we lose by letting go is suffering.”

Sangha Brunch
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with friends at Dassanaya.

Buddhist Art Workshop: Virtual Tour of Mogao and Maijishan Cave Temples
A virtual tour of the Mogao and Maijishan cave temples to study Buddhist artistic expression.

Movie night at the vihara - “Xuan Zang”
Visit the vihara to watch a Buddhist movie with friends.

When the Rubber Hits the Road: Living the Dharma in Difficult Times
Join Dhammadipa, Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Hugh Byrne, Kazu Haga, and Larry and Peggy Ward for an online retreat exploring practicing in challenging times.

Sangha Brunch
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble Dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends.
Please R.S.V.P.

Buddhist Art Workshop: Virtual Tour of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
A virtual tour of the Victoria & Albert Museum to study Buddhist artistic expression.

Buddhist Gobal Relief Benefit Retreat
Dhammadipa will co-lead this online retreat with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. Our theme is “Finding Stability During Turbulent Times.”

Guiding Teacher’s Retreat
The vihara will be closed while Dhammadipa is sitting a silent personal retreat.

Buddhist Art Workshop: Virtual Tour of the British Museum
A virtual tour of the British Museum to study Buddhist artistic expression.

Buddha’s Enlightenment Celebration and Sangha Brunch!
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community, or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends at Dassanaya.
Please R.S.V.P.

Jukai: Lay Precepts Initiation
Join us online or in person as Jesse and Todd take up the 16 bodhisattva precepts in a ceremony from the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition.

Imagenes del Ser: una clase de Zen en Español
Junto con Dhammadipa y nuestros amigos en el Centro Zen de San Francisco, en este curso de cuatro semanas en línea, exploraremos juntos el ser y el no-ser en medio de la vida contemporánea.

Buddhist Global Relief’s Online Gathering
At the annual gathering for Buddhist Global Relief hear Dharma teachings from a variety of traditions and learn about the ways that BGR lifts people out of suffering.

Meditación guiada y una plática/Guided meditation and a Dharma talk in Spanish
Dhammadipa ofrecerá una meditación guiada y una charla de Dharma en línea con la comunidad Theravada de la Ciudad de México.
Introduction to Buddhism: an online course hosted by SFZC
Dhammadipa will offer a 5 week online course that will survey all three branches of Buddhism: early Buddhism, Mahayana, and Vajrayana, with an emphasis on key people and Buddhist art.

Autumn Gathering 2024
The entire community is warmly welcome to attend the Autumn Gathering, in person at the vihara or virtually!

August Sangha Brunch
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community, or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends at Dassanaya.
Please R.S.V.P..

Welcome Back Dhammadipa and Asalha Puja Celebration!
This will be a time for folks to come together in Sangha, and also say hello to Dhammadipa now that she is back! Light snacks will be served.
Please R.S.V.P.

Sutta Contemplation
Reflect on the early discourses of Buddhism at this drop in group for both new and experienced readers of the Pali Nikayas.

Embodied Truths: Wisdom, Practice, and the Body
Join Dhammadipa in exploring a variety of early Buddhist frameworks for practicing skillfully with breath and body.

Sangha Hike at Prince William Forest
Sangha Hike on Sunday May 19 from noon - 2p at Prince WIlliam Forest. This will not be a taxing hike, and should be accessible to most; the intention here is simply to provide a time and space to be out in nature with some Dhamma friends.
Please RSVP

Sangha Dinner
Whether you are interested in finding a spiritual community, or are already a part of Dassanaya, come share a meal and noble dhamma conversation with your spiritual friends at Dassanaya.
May 10 Dinner is Full

A Conscious Engagement with Life: Mindful of Inner and Outer Worlds
Join Dhammadipa and Brad Hunter for a virtual retreat hosted by the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, exploring how our bodies and minds are designed to engage with the world.

Fundamentals of Meditation: a virtual class
Rakhi is offering a virtual class on the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation. Embark on a 6 week journey to understand, practice and integrate the foundations of buddhist meditation practice. This is a live, virtual course designed for folks who are curious about initiating and sustaining a practice of mindfulness meditation.

The Dhamma of Art: a visit to the Smithsonian Museum of Asian Art
A visit with Dhammadipa to the Smithsonian Museum of Asian Art to study Buddhist forms.

Cider & Donuts with Ayya
You are cordially invited to an informal social gathering in person with Dhammadipa at the vihara following an abbreviated Sunday Program.

Three Pillars of the Path: A New Year’s Eve virtual retreat
Three Pillars of the Path - a virtual meditation retreat reflecting on ethics, meditation, and wisdom.