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Sense Experience, Joy, and Equanimity: a Day of Retreat, hosted by Red Clay Sangha

Join Ayya Dhammadipa and the community of Red Clay Sangha for a day of retreat.

Early Buddhist teachings describe the mind as the sixth sense organ, and thinking as a sensation like smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing. What is it like to experience the mind as a sense organ? And how does that experience shift our relationship to the other five sense organs? This retreat focuses on the six sense organs as doorways to joy, and sense experiences as opportunities to practice in ways that lead to equanimity. We will focus particular attention on the Discourse on the Analysis of the Six Sense Fields (the Saḷāyatanavibhaṅga Sutta Middle Length Discourse 137). This retreat will include guided meditations, group discussion, and a Dhamma talk, as well as opportunities to meet with the instructor.

Details and registration are on the Red Clay Sangha website.

May 27

Zen bodhisattva precepts ceremony

June 10

Retiro de dos días con la sangha de Montaña Despierta en Xalapa, México/Two-day retreat in person with the community of Montaña Despierta