To Catch the Moon: An Online Course on the
10 Verses of Unfathomable Depth
Ayya Dhammadīpā will take up the “10 Verses of Unfathomable Depth” and her Root Teacher’s commentary on them, offering her perspectives on their meaning for practice on our meditation seats and in daily life. Participants in the course will explore such questions as, “How do you experience mind, and what kind of meditation practice reveals its nature? Do you need to cultivate stillness, insight, or letting go? What is meant by verification of, or realization of the Dharma?”
The teachings of Zen have been expressed poetically for centuries, in expressions that illuminate, yet honor the vast mystery of the world and its workings. In the 10th Century CE, Ch’an Master Tong’an Changcha composed a poem in 10 verses that is still considered to be among the most profound teachings of the tradition. 20th Century Zen Master Sekkei Harada expounded upon it, exhorting all of us to take these teachings to heart.
This five week course will be lead by Ayya Dhammadīpā. It will be based primarily on the text “Unfathomable Depths: Drawing Wisdom for Today from a Classical Zen Poem.” The course will include pre-recorded Dhamma talks, contemplation of ancient and contemporary Buddhist texts, and both written and live group discussion forums. Additional reflection questions, readings, and talks will be added as we proceed. So be sure to return to this page often.
Talks will be posted to the weekly tabs on Saturdays (Pacific US time). Optional live group discussion meetings will take place on
Wednesdays from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm PDT, from May 26th through June 23rd.
The Zoom meeting number is 879 5878 9708 and the password is 052021 .
If you prefer to join without video, one US phone number to call is (669) 900-6833.
The forum has been paused, thank to all who posted. This page and the materials found here will be available for 12 months after the class is completed. This class is offered free of charge. Donations for general support of Ayya Dhammadīpā can be made here.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of their prior practice experience.
Background materials for week 1
Lecture for Wk 1 Class
Discussion group for week 1
Week 1: Verses 1 and 2
“…in essence all things originate from infinite emptiness.”
~ Master Changcha
The Four Imponderables
The full effects of karma
The beginning and ending of the world
The mind of one in jhana meditation (samadhi)
The mind of an arahant
Reflection Questions
How do you understand emptiness? How do you experience it?
Access audio files of the talks in the class folder
Lecture for Week 2 Class
Lecture for Week 3 Class
Week 3 discussion group
Week 2: Verses 3 and 4
Week 2 Reflection Questions
How do you experience your body as an instrument of practice? What strengthens your determination on the Path?
Week 3: Verses 5 and 6
Week 3 Reflection Questions
What helps you to embody practice? What supports your exploration of the skandhas?
Lecture for Wk4 Class
Wk 4 Discussion Group
Lecture for Wk 5 class
Final group discussion - Thank you for participating!
Weeks 4: Verses 7 and 8
Week 4 Reflection Questions
How do you relate to thoughts during meditation? Have you ever had a striking Dharma encounter?
Week 5: Verses 9 and 10
Week 5 Reflection Questions
What difficulties have you experienced in your practice? How do you practice with silence?
Course Materials
Our primary text for this class will be “Unfathomable Depths” by Sekkei Harada, published by Wisdom Publications. You will need to obtain your own copy of the text.
Here is an alternate translation.
In addition, please note the readings from the secondary materials as well. Ayya will also provide weekly pre-recorded lectures that will be posted to this page on Saturdays, under the tab for the week.
Access audio recordings and some supplemental materials in the class folder.
Week 1 Readings
Unfathomable Depths pages 55 to 89
Genjokoan by Eihei Dogen Zenji, SFZC translation, the first four paragraphs or pages 1 and 2 of “Realizing Genjokoan” translation by Shohaku Okumura Roshi
Samyutta Nikaya 56.11 last four paragraphs
“Record of Transmitting the Light” by Keizan Zenji, translated by Francis Cook, pages 29 to 35
Brief biography of Bodhidharma, the first Chinese Ancestor of Zen
Week 2 Readings
Unfathomable Depths pages 91 to 124
Body Mind Study of the Way by Eihei Dogen Zenji, section 11
Week 3 Readings
Unfathomable Depths pages 125 to 146
“The Mind That Knows Itself” Ayya’s article in the spring 2021 Buddhadharma magazine
Diamond Sutra section 21
Digha Nikaya 16 section 40
Week 4 Readings
Unfathomable Depths pages 147 to 170
Hymn to the Perfection of Wisdom translated by Edward Conze
Still Forest Pool quote by Ajahn Chah
Week 5 Readings
Unfathomable Depths pages 171 to 192
Ryokan’s poem
Left behind by the thief
The moon
In the window