To Catch the Moon: An Online Course on the

10 Verses of Unfathomable Depth

Ayya Dhammadipa will take up the “10 Verses of Unfathomable Depth” and her Root Teacher’s commentary on them, offering her perspectives on their meaning for practice on our meditation seats and in daily life. Participants in the course will explore such questions as, “How do you experience mind, and what kind of meditation practice reveals its nature? Do you need to cultivate stillness, insight, or letting go? What is meant by verification of, or realization of the Dharma?” Join us.

The teachings of Zen have been expressed poetically for centuries, in expressions that illuminate, yet honor the vast mystery of the world and its workings. In the 10th Century CE, Ch’an Master Tong’an Changcha composed a poem in 10 verses that is still considered to be among the most profound teachings of the tradition. 21st Century Zen Master Sekkei Harada expounded upon it, exhorting all of us to take these teachings to heart.


Introduction to the course “To Catch the Moon”


This five week course will be lead by Ayya Dhammadipa. It will be based on the text “Unfathomable Depths: Drawing Wisdom for Today from a Classical Zen Poem.” Additional course readings are listed below. The course will include pre-recorded Dharma talks, contemplation of ancient and contemporary Buddhist texts, and both written and live group discussion forums. Additional reflection questions, readings, and talks will be added as we proceed. So be sure to return to this page often.

Talks will be posted to this page Saturdays Pacific US time. Optional live group discussion meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm Pacific time, from May 26th through June 23rd. We will be utilizing Zoom video technology, which can also be accessed by calling in. The Zoom meeting number is 849 7190 1677 and the password is 03220322. The US phone number to call in on is (669) 900-6833.

Find the class folder here. Find the written class discussion forum here. This page and the materials found here will be available for 12 months after the class is completed.

This class is offered free of charge. Donations for general support of Aloka Vihara monastery and for Ayya Dhammadipa can be made here.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their prior practice experience.

To register, contact Ayya Dhammadipa at <>. If you are registering as a student of Shogaku Zen Institute, please mention that in your email.

Week 1 May 26
Lecture for the content of the first class.

Week 1: Still On The Way

“You must not see Shakyamuni Buddha apart from the great earth and beings.”

~ Zen Master Keizan

Required Reading:

“Unfathomable Depths” by Zen Master Sekkei Harada Roshi, translated by Daigaku Rumme and Heiko Narrog, pages 3 through 7 and 55 through 89

Optional Supplemental Reading:

The Record of Transmitting the Light” by Zen Master Keizan, translated by Francis Dojun Cook, pages 29 through 31

“Genjo Koan [Manifesting Absolute Reality]” from Dogen’s Shobogenzo, translated by Francis H. Cook

Reflection Questions:

What practices help you become aware of the quality of attention? How can attention be “turned around?”

Week 2 May 31

Content for this page to come.

Course Materials

Our primary text for this class will be “Unfathomable Depths” by Sekkei Harada, published by Wisdom Publications. You will need to obtain your own copy of the text. In addition, Ayya will provide links to or excerpts from the secondary materials such as The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Dogen’s Extensive Record, and the Heart Sutra as translated by Thich Nhat Hanh. Ayya will also provide weekly pre-recorded lectures that will be posted to this page on Saturdays.

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This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.