If you prefer to make a monetary donation, visit the Donate page.
We deeply appreciate the material supports that are donated for our location in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
The shipping address for donations is:
1565 Mount Eagle Place, Alexandria, VA 22302
See our Amazon wish list here.
Also the community is in need of the following items, new or used:
Furniture for the altar, like this example or this example.
Full set of the Tipitaka (suttas/vinaya/abhidhamma) as translated to English by the Pali Text Society
You can use the button below to contact Stephen Steiner to offer your support or ask a question.
We deeply appreciate those who support the community by sharing their time and skills.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of the following volunteer opportunities:
Light bookkeeping on Quickbooks - 2 to 3 hours/week
Photography - 1 hour/week
Social Media Posting - 1 hour/week
Cleaning and setting up at the vihara prior to events - Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays
You can use the button below to contact Dhammadipa to offer your support or ask a question.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community celebrates the good you are manifesting in the world!
These material supports are very helpful to our teachers and to the community.