Article on “The Mind That Knows Itself”
“Until we begin to make the distinction between observing thoughts and observing the knowing mind,” writes Ayya Dhammapida, “we have not yet begun to study or to experience the mind directly.”
Integrating Dharma Practice in Spanish: An Interview with Venerable Dhammadīpa Samaneri
The Venerable Dhammadīpa Samaneri, also known as the Reverend Konin Cárdenas, is a Buddhist nun ordained in both the Zen and Theravada Buddhist traditions. The name Dhammadīpa can be broken down into its constituent words, where “Dhamma” means “the Buddha’s teachings” and “dīpa” refers to an “island,” a “light,” or a “lamp.” Therefore, the Pāḷi name of Rev. Konin Cárdenas—Dhammadīpa—means that she herself is an island who continues bringing people the Buddha’s light of wisdom, in this case to the United States and other parts of the world.
Integrating Dharma Practice in Spanish: An Interview with Venerable Dhammadīpa Samaneri
La Venerable Dhammadīpa, también conocida como Reverenda Konin Cárdenas, es una monja budista ordenada tanto en la tradición budista zen como en la theravāda. El nombre «Dhammadīpa» es significativo a la luz del hecho de que «dhamma» significa «la enseñanza del Buda» y «dīpa» se refiere a una «isla» o a «luz». Por lo tanto, el nombre de la Reverenda Konin Cárdenas como Dhammadīpa quiere decir que ella misma es una isla que continúa llevando la luz de la sabiduría del Buda, en este caso a los Estados Unidos y otras partes del mundo.